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Our Mission

The mission of AJK Welfare Trust is to save lives, respond immediately to human suffering in emergencies, and help those in need by adopting practical ways to root out poverty from the world through the provision of education and livelihood projects.


Islamic Beliefs

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Muslims who earn a minimum amount of money yearly known as Nisab are obligated to pay 2.5 percent of their cumulative wealth to the poor, deserving, and needy members of society.

Zakat can be given to trustworthy organizations that honestly deliver your Zakat to deserving people.


Allah says in Surah Mujadilah;

“Then steadfastly continue to duly establish the Prayer, and give the Zakât-Charity.” (58:13)

The literal meaning of Sadaqa is ‘Righteousness’. It is a voluntary charity or any voluntary act of kindness done without any expectation of receiving anything in return.


Sadaqa, a selfless good deed, can range from giving money to the needy and vulnerable, feeding others, providing medical assistance, donating to different projects including the installation of hand pumps, to simply smiling when greeting others. Every act of Sadaqa increases the good deeds of the believer.


Allah says in Surah Baqarah

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (2:261)

The literal meaning of Fidiya is ‘for Allah’. Fidiya is also a type of Sadaqa which is an act of kindness performed voluntarily by an individual. The only difference is that Fidiya is any form of charity that is given to an institution for instance a Mosque or Hospital, instead of an individual or a person.

Fidiya can be given in form of donations to a reputable organization that can use it to help people, provide them food aid, and medical assistance, build homes for the poor and provide other various kinds of assistance to the needy.

Allah says in Surah Baqarah,

“O you who believe, spend of the wealth We have bestowed upon you (in Allah’s way) before the Day comes when there shall be no buying and no selling; when neither friendship nor intercession will be available.”  (Qur’an 2: 254)

Hadiya is a gift given by an individual to another individual as a gesture of goodwill. It helps in enhancing the bond of friendship between two people. Hadiya unlike Zakat, Sadaqa, and Lillah, can be given to anyone be it a poor person or rich. When Hadiya is given with the pure intention to get closer to Allah, it is one of the best forms of worship.


Aisha (ra) said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to accept gifts and reward people for giving them.” 


On another occasion, it is related by Ayesha (ra) that the Prophet (P.B.U.H)  said: “Exchange presents with one another. Presents remove ill-will from the hearts.”


Our Work

AJK Welfare is a uk registered charity, Reg no 1200603. Our aim is to deliver humanitarian projects directly on ground helping the most in need beneficiaries. We are committed to be on ground serving the ummah in need. Our on-ground experience enables us to guarantee that your donations are going to the right beneficiaries transparently.

Our partners on ground are verified NGOs approved by the Government of Pakistan. We ensure all humanitarian projects are delivered according to compliance and regulatory guidelines.

We have a duty to assure our international donors that all our projects are delivered with 100% transparency and supported by documented reports. We do not have any paid staff or admin fees.